Its Belkin, Baby, For iPhone Accessories

Once in a while you find a company that is super-savvy. Belkin seems to be one such company. They get Apple’s design paradigm so well, that when they create any accessory for the iPhone, it is nearly perfect. Best of all, this accessory will work with the new iPhone 3G.

About our only accessory we would consider for our iPhone and Touch is the Belkin TUNEBASE FM iTunes player, holder and recharger. Be aware that most of these iPhone accessories do not even work with the new iPhone 3G, but this Belkin unit does, and it does very well.

The Belkin TUNEBASE FM is a quality piece of equipment, with the automobile cigarette plug-in also being the cradle for the iPhone/Touch. therefore you do not need to find a place to put the iPhone on the dash, or a cubby, or on the center console. Let’s face it, if you lay your iPhone on the center console of your car, it will end up on the floor at your feet or in between the seats, right? Or if you put it in a cubby on the dash, or on top of the dash, it will likely become a ballistic object. instead, the Belkin recharger with the iPhone attached sits firmly attached to the dash at your outlet, upright and where you can both see the screen and easily use the touch feature. The cradle is also completely adjustable in any direction because of the very short flexible steel cable from the plug-in to the cradle.

The Belkin TUNEBASE FM also has the one-button tuner on the bottom of the cradle, which you use to quickly scan for empty stations where your itunes can be heard. the sound of the Belkin is more rich and full than can be obtained by any other player.Besides, most players do not even offer a way to charge the iPhone/Touch while it is in use, and with the short battery life of the new iPhone 3G, this is a real issue.

The only drawback of this Belkin is the price, which is a sawbuck in most places, although you can find them on sale if you look online. We bought ours at Walmart – actually, my wife did, all on her own. I should have, but never quite realized, that she is so tech savvy about anything Mac or Apple =)

As for covers for the new iPhone 3G or the Apple iPod Touch, we have a handful. Again, the Belkin silicone sleeve ballistic case is the best cover we have found. But after using any cover for a while, we just use our iPhone and Touch barebones. These things are pretty tough on their own. Just be sure that whatever pocket you keep them in will be deep enough so that they won’t fall out by themselves, slippery little things that they are.

Roger Born
Writer, Teacher, General Troublemaker
“Never squat with your spurs on”

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