I haven’t seen too many Macworld prediction lists on the web yet. Sure, I’ve seen the predictions of a new laptop, iTunes rentals, and a new iPhone. Here’s my prediction list combined with a wish list. Some of these might be farfetched, but with Apple you never know.
1. We know an iPhone SDK is coming. Steve will probably talk that up. I think it is too soon for a new iPhone. I can see that announcement in June for a holiday release.
2. iTunes 8.0 – it is time for a major iTunes upgrade instead of a 7.6. With 8.0 comes movie rentals and YouTube in iTunes. YouTube is appearing in other Apple products, why not make it part of the iTunes store with a direct link?
3. The new iTunes will be required for the new AppleTV update and AppleTV 2.0 AppleTV will be cheaper and have a larger drive. I’m hoping for DVR. It might even have a DVD drive, or BluRay?
4. No iLife or iWork since they were just released, but how about a major update to the programs. Maybe a .1 update with new features left out of the release. Maybe even Leopard only features? I still think they rushed the release of iLife 08 and left out features to get it out before the holidays.
On the same note- iMove 06 becomes iMovie Pro and is sold seperately from the iLife package.
5. New Mac Laptop? I don’t know, but I don’t see any big deal to a 12 inch laptop being released. Wasn’t that the iBook? Even if it is faster, flash based, and without an optical drive; I don’t care about it if it iBook size. I’d rather see a 7 inch laptop, under $1000, and flash based. Make something truly portable.
6. Mac Nano to replace the Mac Mini. I don’t think Apple will abandon the Mini or that price point. I can see them making the machine smaller.
7. More features added to .Mac. I’d be happy with better server side junk filters.
8. One more thing: Announcement of 10.6 to be previewed at WWDC and released in 2009. No features announced, just an announcement.
No iPod announcements. Steve has always said Macworld is about the Mac. At the most, I could see larger drives in the Touch.
So there is my list for Macworld 08. What is on your list?
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