
There is a report that Apple has patented the name “iWrite”. I am not sure where I read it, but since it is in the Patent Office, it isn’t a rumor. Of course, that doesn’t tell us what it is either. It could be a pen or…

if I speculate, it could be another cool gift for creative professionals and amatuers. Like Garage Band is a gift for musicians, iWrite could be a gift for writers.

Now, this is not only speculation, but also a hopeful projection. Since I like to write, I would like a better software to do it with.

There isn’t that much around that does this sort of thing. And since Apple has fallen in love with its iTunes interface, and spread it to the Finder in Panther, it would be easy to follow this trail into other areas. iTunes is just a simple database (emphasis on simple). Writing is just a database of words. They have already created a database of pictures (iPhoto) and movies (iPhoto, Final Cut Pro), so this would seem to be the next logical step.

…..onto something unrelated.
1984 was a book written in 1948 that was about 1948, but everyone thought was about the future. In 1984 Apple released a product that would prevent that future, even though it was already in the present and past. Twenty years into the future, which is now, they kind of claim to have stopped that ugly future from occuring, when it had already existed.

The computer at Virginia Tech looks just like something the Borg would create on Star Trek. The have become the very future they were trying to prevent. Remove a node, and the beast self repairs. Apple is now #1 in many categories, and is reaching for marketplace dominance. Doesn’t that sound like the Borg? Resistance is futile. And they have the hardware to prove it.

Tim complains that he should not have to pay for upgrades to iPhoto and iMovie. Sorry Tim.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. 🙂

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