Is your wallet ready?

For those that were disappointed in having very little to buy at Macworld 2007 these next few months could put you into debt. With the official announcement of CS3, AppleTV shipping, the iPhone coming, and the (hopefully) soon to be released Leopard, iLife, and iWork packages there is more than enough to keep your credit card busy. Plus, there is always the chance that Apple will surprise us all with an unexpected new product or even an iPod or two.

Personally, I am looking at CS3 (mostly to have Intel versions of Photoshop and Illustrator), Leopard, and iLife. I haven’t decided about iWork yet. That purchase will depend on what new features there are.

AppleTV is not for me. I’m waiting for it to have DVR capabilities. As for the iPhone…..even if I had a Cingular contract I wouldn’t buy one. It is too big for my cell phone preferences and it is too expensive. If Apple released a flip phone, then I’d be interested.

So, is your wallet ready? What are you looking forward to?

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