iRest Lap Stand for iPad – Review

iRest Lap Stand for iPad
Company: Rain Design
Price: $49.90 USD

There are now tons of cases for the iPad that allow you to protect, carry or even type. The thing is that when all is said and done and you want to relax and read something or work on your iPad while you are reclining, not all cases allow you to do so comfortably. Enter Rain Design’s iRest Lap Stand for the iPad.

Built with aluminum, lightweight, foldable and adjustable, iRest can serve you both as a unit on your desk or table, holding your iPad or on your lap as you sit or recline and enjoy yourself. When the foam covered horizontal “legs” are on, you can comfortably rest the stand on your legs, adjust the angle and view your iPad at a proper angle. The edges of the aluminum are rounded and the there are cutouts for access to the home button on the iPad and on the right side of the unit for the sound from the speakers to flow out without being blocked. The way the unit is designed, you can even charge the iPad while it it in the stand by the cutout that allows you to do so. The iPad itself rests on rubber pads and a contoured padded channel so there is not any contact with the aluminum itself. The great aspect of the iRest is that you can position your iPad in either a horizontal or vertical position in the unit and still read and enjoy in comfort. The iRest also fits the iPad 2 with no problem.

The nice thing about this unit is its compact size if you wish to take it along with you, say on a trip. You can remove the foam covered legs, place them and the main frame back in the box that they came in and place it in your luggage or just place the iRest in your luggage. I’ve taken to using the iRest at my work desk at home, just positioning it to my left so I have immediate access to the iPad. The nice thing about the iRest is that if your space is limited, you can remove the foam covered legs and the iRest works great as a desktop stand in an area that might not allow for the additional space. Just as with Rain Design’s mStand laptop stand that I have previously reviewed, the iRest is beautifully designed, lightweight and a pleasure to both see and use.

Just after I first received the iRest, I wound up having to undergo some surgery that basically necessitated rest and recuperation for two weeks, as well as the fact that for the first week I really was not up to sitting up in a chair or at my computer desk. The iRest received a trial by fire as I utilized it continuously all day long as I lay there recovering. I found that the iRest is really a pleasure to use and still allowed me to have access to my email, the web and to do so comfortably. I’ve also taken to using the iRest outside when I’m on my back deck, position it on a table, crank up my favorite album in iTunes and relax. It also works great if I’m doing something and want to listen to some music, just position the iRest and enjoy the music while working.

The iRest itself weighs less than a pound, and with the foam legs removed, it is only 9 inches long, by 6 1/4 inches wide by 2 inches deep. Now there may be those who would argue that the price may be a bit high, but for the quality, design and flexibility that the iRest provides, one can consider the price well worth it for what you are getting in return.

All in all, I give the iRest Lap Stand for iPad a MyMac rating of 9 out of a possible 10.

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