iPod touch unboxing (with pictures)

Please note: in the interests of expediency, these photos were taken with an iPhone camera. As a result they’re not quite perfect pictures, but there’s something poetic about using an iPhone to photograph an iPod touch.

The new iPod touch comes in a box similar to the iPhone, but features Corinne Bailey Rae on the cover.

Before you remove the iPod touch from the box, you might think it wasan iPhone…

…until you see just how thin the iPod touch is.

The iPod touch comes with the usual iPod trappings (earbuds, sync/charge cable, dock insert) plus a small clear plastic item…

…which turns out to be a stand.

Our hopes that the iPod touch would come pre-loaded with iProng Radio were dashed when we realized that it was just a reflection from the T-shirt.

As it turns out, you can’t do anything at all with the iPod touch until you connect it to an iTunes-enabled computer…

…which we’re about to do.

Setup and hands-on testing coming shortly.

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