iPod Touch Gets Upgraded

Well, I finally arrived here at Macworld this morning, minutes after the Stevenote, I immediately hit the floor after touching basis my man, John Nemo, and a few other MyMac writers. It’s great to arrive again this year and see new faces, and all the buzz surrounding the new Apple products, or should I see really only one new product.

Though I haven’t gotten my hands on the new Apple notebook, I did want to find what if anything was done for the iPod Touch, which is now my iPod of choice for late night YouTube viewing and music listening.

Well, the Touch has been upgraded and it’s pretty much what I expected. But for existing users of the Touch, you have to pay $20 extra for additional system features. You pay $20 for features that should have come with this iPod in the first place.

This upgrade now includes a Mail clients, Google Maps, and widgets like Notes, Weather and Stock check, and customizable home screen where you can move around buttons. So basically you get everything that comes with the iPhone except the phone and the camera. For the cost of the iPod Touch, these features make it worth the cost, especially if you’re like me and don’t want the added costs of the monthly iPhone phone bill.

Now if my wife were sitting here with me while I write this article, her question would be, “Did you really need this iPod?

“Well, noooooooooooo,” I would say, “but then I didn’t have it, I couldn’t write about it. So there!”

All and all, the new features are well expected, but the $20 upgrade is unfair to existing users. So you gotta ask yourself, “Do you really need it?”

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