As of this writing there are eleven iPod games available for purchase in the iTunes Store. Some people hate the games, others like them. I fall into the “like them” category.
I recently spent a lot of time in an airport and on a few airplanes. I don’t have a Gameboy or a PSP, but I do have a handful of games on my iPod which I played to pass the time when I got tired of listening to music and podcasts, or watching videos.
Sure the controls are not the greatest, but once you get the hang of them they work fine.
I spent a lot of time playing Bejeweled and Solitaire on one flight. The new collection of Solitaire games would have come in handy.
With Macworld Expo coming up, I thought I’d make a list of games I’d like to see for the iPod. Even though the new Solitaire and Soduku were recently released, I still think more titles are coming.
With that said:
A real golf game- if miniature golf works, why not Tiger Woods or another golf game?
Arkanoid- I love breakout style games, and Arkanoid is my favorite. Vortex is fun, but I want Arkanoid.
Ms. Pac-Man- We have Pac-Man, why not the sequel?
Board Games- Checkers, Chess, Othello, Connect-Four, etc.
Racing- Futuristic, realistic, or a mix. A racing game and the click-wheel seem like a perfect fit
Bowling- again, this seems like it would be a perfect fit on the iPod
I know, if I want all of these games I should get a handheld gaming system. I’d rather have a collection of games that can go with me in one neet iPod package. I don’t need an extra “toy” to carry around, or all of the cartridges/discs that go with it. Plus, I just want a decent selection of games to play for those long car and plane rides, or those times sitting in the airport.
What games would you like to see on the iPod? List them below.
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