If you like iPod games you have had plenty to choose from lately. After what seemed like a dry spell of iPod games, Apple has been releasing a new game every Monday night for the past few weeks.
In case you haven’t been keeping track, recent releases include: Block Breaker Deluxe, Pole Position Remix, Chess and Backgammon, Naval Battle, Yahtzee, a Pirates of the Caribbean game, and tonight there is Bubble Bash (http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewGame?id=273945872&s=143441).
I have stated before that I am a fan of iPod games. I don’t buy them all, but it is nice to see more and more games are being made for the iPod. I did buy Yahtzee and Block Breaker. I love Breakout style games, and I am also a fan of Yahtzee. Both of those games were worth it, to me. I haven’t bought any of the other recent releases.
I’m still holding out hope for a real golf game, or a more modern racing game. Maybe these are coming eventually.
Of course, those waiting for games on the iPhone or the Touch will have to wait (maybe the SDK will provide relief).
What do you think of the recent flurry of iPod games? Leave your comments below.
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