iPod Evolution – Book Review

iPod Evolution
Author: Timothy Chaten
Pricing: Pre-Order/Macworld iWorld Release Week US$7.99 ($9.99 afterwards)
273 pages
ISBN: 9780988824805

The iPod is an intriguing device. It was once the poster child of Cupertino, and whilst sales per annum are still extraordinarily strong, they are somewhat overshadowed by the iPhone and iPad. That doesn’t make the iPod or the history of the world’s favorite music player obsolete.

Timothy Chaten, author of iPod Evolution, believes the time is perfect for a book that takes a look at how the humble music player evolved and changed the way we listen to music. I agree with him.

There is a sense of nostalgia in the air, and I’m not talking about vinyl. I have happy memories of watching many Steve Jobs keynote Macworld addresses, dreaming of the latest device that was announced. Then to go into a store and actually hold one, it was magical.

I was able to relive these experiences via iPod Evolution, and you can too for as little as US$7.99. The book is available for pre-order via the iBookstore on the iPad. It will be released for full sale on January 31st to coincide with the first day of Macworld/iWorld 2013.

iPod Evolution is presented across more than 250 pages containing interesting reflections, thoughts, facts, and photographs. The level of detail amazed me. No stone is left unturned and I even had to go and double check some facts that I had no recollection of. Trust me when I say this doesn’t happen often with an Apple related book.

Every aspect of the hardware and software is looked at for every model of iPod. One area I found most intriguing was hardware modifications. Word of advice: put your credit card away when you get to the section on iMod by Red Wine Audio. As a music lover, but not an audiophile in the technical sense, I was completely captivated with the thought of the iMod.

Other aspects include a detailed look at sales, advertising, and pricing. Even the font typeface in different models is discussed.

As you can tell, I am extremely impressed with iPod Evolution and the research that had gone into its development. I do want to specifically mention that this book was designed in iBooks Author, and is self published by the author.

This self publishing approach also allows for further expansion. Dr. Egon Spengler said “print is dead” (Ghostbusters circa 1984). With iBooks Author, print is no longer dead. It is constantly evolving and the author has already confirmed additional content will be forthcoming at regular intervals that will include, but is not limited to, additional and updated chapters, along with video and audio podcasts. In the foreseeable future, these updates will be included in the original price.

My only disappointments are a couple of the photographs could have been of higher quality, and in some chapters the information presented would have been better served in bullet form.

Overall, iPod Evolution is an amazing book and if you have any interest in the iPod and its subsequent history, you are well advised to pick this title up immediately. Therefore, I am awarding iPod Evolution a MyMac.com review rating of 9 out of a possible 10.

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