iPhone: The Missing Manual, 6th Edition – Review

iPhone: The Missing Manual, 6th edition
Company: O’Reilly Media
Author: David Pogue
Price: $24.99


As an iPhone user I long ago got used to not having a manual with the iPhone. But I’m not your average user, and have had iPhones since the 3GS. But some people really need help with learning about their iPhones, and how to use them. So I was interested to see how the iPhone: The Missing Manual, 6th edition would succeed.

iPhone: the Missing Manual, 6th edition covers iPhone models 3GS, 4, 4S, and 5, which I find to be very helpful because not every iPhone owner will have the latest model. The missing manual also covers the functions added with the iOS updates up to iOS 6.0.0 so you can see if your phone benefits from the new features added. This is useful as you won’t be searching your iPhone for ages trying to find a function that’s not supported.

The manual is really easy to follow and it covers everything you need to know about your iPhone. Included are the most common functions such as phone calls to the more advanced features such as using personal hotspots. Chapter 4 in iPhone the Missing Manual, 6th edition is very useful for people who want to get more out of voice control, and it also covers Siri, and its functions.

Chapter 14 in iPhone: the Missing Manual 6th edition covers iCloud. This is a very useful as not every iPhone user will know about iCloud and what it can do for you or what it can’t. This chapter includes features such as iTunes Match, Photo Stream, and iCloud sync.

Chapter 15 covers the iPhone in the business place, showing you what you can achieve with it and what you can’t. This covers various features including VPN virtual private networks which is a very useful tool in business.

There is a chapter in iPhone: the Missing Manual, 6th edition about the settings of the iPhone. This chapter 16 includes topics such as Wi-Fi, Notifications, FaceTime, maps, and the App store. This to me is possibly the most useful chapter in iPhone: the Missing Manual, 6th edition. The settings on the iPhone are a big part in many of the iPhone’s functions so it was a delight to see this chapter included.

In conclusion the author David Pogue has done an excellent job with the iPhone: the Missing Manual, 6th edition. I highly recommend any iPhone user to get this book because it’s quite simply is the manual the iPhone should have had.

MyMac.com Review Rating: 10 out of 10


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