iPhone Interface On The Mac

Watch the new iPhone user on their Macintosh, as they begin to touch the screen with their fingers, trying to move the icons or images there. Listen as they grunt in frustration, because they cannot touch their data, the way they so easily can on their iPhone.

The new iPhone doesn’t have the traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the Mac. Instead, the iPhone has a Tactile User Interface, (TUI). The TUI in effect, allows you to reach through the glass screen and manipulate your data, music and pictures with your fingers. History may well mark this as the second great paradigm of computing. Again introduced to the world by Apple and Steve Jobs, who gave us the Mac.

This new iPhone interface is quite enticing and seductive. Apple will soon have to bring it to the Macintosh, because people will notice right away that their laser guided digital mouse and their adaptive touchpads are no longer the state-of-the-art devices they were a while ago, before coming of the iPhone. Once you can touch your data with your fingers, why would you want to go back to using a fumbling tool to do the same thing? That is like being asked to touch the face of a beautiful woman, while wearing construction gloves.

What will the new Macintoshes look like with this new Tactile User Interface? Expect new a MacBook tablet computer, with a slideout keyboard for touch-typists. Or perhaps an Apple add-on, in the form of a thin screen, mounted over your Apple monitor to give you your TUI fix. And expect anything new with a montor from Apple to have the TUI fuction, in place of a mouse or touchpad. This will include AppleTV television monitors, as well as computer screens.

Imagine a world without computer mice? And if they ever get the voice thing figured out, imagine the world without computer keyboards too. The world then will be essentially populated with iPhones, for the iPhone is really a tiny Macintosh running OS X, isn’t it? The future has suddenly gotten a whole lot more interesting, don’t you think?


Roger Born
“Who sponsors your feelings?”


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