In Praise of Full FIgured Women!

Note: At the end of this, I’m going to ask my readers to reach through cyberspace and dope slap me. I deserve it.

The place: Last Saturday, at the Bedford end of the minute man bikeway. The weather: Fine. What happened:

I had just hammered off about 25 miles on my fixed gear, and was taking a break. Not doing anything in particular, just standing, consuming much-needed water. A young (about 28-ish) woman comes riding along, on a Lite-speed bicycle. For those not aware, Lite Speed makes fine road racing bikes, real top-of-the-line stuff. This woman was, in a word, stunning. Now, I have always found full figured ladies attractive. I won’t apologize for this, and I won’t feel compelled to do so. If Madison avenue doesn’t like it, tough. Anyway, she was brunette, about 5′ 7″, and probably around 180 pounds. I thought she looked fine indeed in the lycra shorts and matching top. But here’s the best part: On the bike, she had power, grace, and handling ability, judging by the way she rode up fast, stopped, and did a perfect dismount, all in one quick, fluid motion. ( I have never seen a thin, shopping mall princess do this as easily.) In 25-plus years of riding, I have always noticed that full-figured women make the best riders, always able to maintain a steady pace, and always with respectable power. (and yeah, they look nice in lycra. 🙂 )

We talked for a few seconds, but not much beyond the “hello, great riding day” stage. She entered the bike shop at the end of the bkeway, before the talk progressed any farther. So, why do I deserve a dope slap? Because I didn’t get her name!!
And she was so,,, nice! Ouch! Well gents, may your summer activities be more productive than my own. Yeesh!

Bruce B.

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