In Other News This Week

We Know

We, knowing the pins and needles all of you are on, waiting impatiently for Macworld 2007, here endeavor to supply you with some pain relief, in the form of noteworthy news items, in order to hopefully take away a tiny bit of your angst until next Tuesday.

Earth and Her iPod

This very remarkable picture captured from an image out of Google Earth. It is unretouched. The iPod earpiece is actually a road.
Location: Alberta, Canada. Long/Lat: 50.01,-110.11 Pay no attention to all the other ‘faces’ on this piece of land…

Rocks Are Falling From The Sky

A mysterious brown metallic object, about the size of a golf ball, but weighing much more than that, went through the roof of a house and embedded itself in a bathroom wall. No one was sure if it were a meteorite or not, but it was not from a plane. We are also pretty sure it was not a Microsoft Zune, although plenty of people seem mad enough at their Zunes to try and launch them into space. LINK

Buggy In Arizona

An Arizona Hotel was sued for having bed bugs. In other news, Arizona has hotels. LINK and a LINK for the bugs.

Never Mind . . .
I’m sorry. There is really little news to report on this week that is noteworthy or odd. My heart just isn’t in it. I am thinking way too much about next week, and what Apple will become in the future.

We buried a President this week. A well honored and good man, with canons booming and jet flying, and with the best eulogies coming from his enemies. It was a six day event that made us proud to know that there were such men among us. An unassuming man, who stood to serve, just when we needed him most.

A Democratic Congress is taking session, promising the moon, and planning their vengance against what is, as they hope to mold the future of us all, in their image. In other words, business as usual. If we quit voting for them, will they all just go away?

There is another Deadline this month ~ January 22nd, when HEROES begins again. I want to know what makes a rather clueless Geek become a wise, powerful sword-carrying Hero? (And what makes a Star Wars Special Effects Programmer into a top-flight Actor?) There is an image of the ‘future’ Hiro Nakmura at the bottom of this article.

Apple generated millions of dollars of free advertising, and caused hundreds of thousand of fanboys to swoon, at the beginning of the week, when they posted a mysterious static image on their home page.

HERE is the link if you want to download the hi-res image for your desktop.

Film at 11.


Roger Born

“Don’t live to geek; geek to live.”

This image above is of a screen capture of the television series Heroes, from the “Collision (Heroes episode)” and is intended for use to visually aid and provide critical commentary in describing a major trait change of the actor’s character.

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