iMac Anticipation

Apple stock dropped faster than tops at Mardi Gras when Apple said: No more iMacs. Well, no iMacs until September. The Cupertino spin machine didn’t say why there weren’t going to be any more iMacs, they just mostly noted that if you want an iMac from Apple you’re hosed (other resellers still have stock). That omission left people free to speculate about why there weren’t any more iMacs. Speculation has run the gamut from the mundane (problems with G5 chip supplies) to the fantastic (some completely new technology is involved and there have been problems deciphering the alien’s design).

Which is a good thing, people love to guess. Still, as long as you’re guessing why go for the boring stuff? Apple screwed up for one reason or another, can’t be good for back to school buying and all, but isn’t the interesting guessing in what the new iMac might do/contain? Well for me it is. Perhaps if you’re a day trader (any of those folks left?) it’s more interesting to focus on the supply side issues.

I’ve got nothing, zip, zero, nada on what the new iMac might be all about. Everyone is thinking it’s going to have a G5 chip, which seems like a good bet. The real interest lies in the new form factor (presumably there is one). The current iMac is pretty sweet, I think they look fantastic, at least the monitor part. In fact if I could get my hands on an iMac monitor with the swing arm, well I’ve got a project in mind. Back on topic it’s hard to imagine how to improve on that design. Well you could add a expresso maker.

So I’m expecting something pretty incredible (and expensive) out of the September iMac. I’m slowly entering the G5 market (don’t need a G5 but I really really want one. Why? It’s one more than a G4) and if the iMac is compelling enough, if it has a G5 processor that not many folks really need (certainly not the iMacs intended audience) then it just might sway me from the dual G5 I’m considering very seriously.

Chris Seibold speculating on Macs is not a good thing, who the hell wants to read that kind of drivel? Plus last time I guessed I was way off. (how often do you see that? People admitting that they’re pretty friggin stupid?) Ah, all is not wasted, everyone loves links.

I’ve got a friend who came up with a bitchin’ MAME cabinet idea. A themed mame cabinet, a really cool themed MAME cabinet. The natural question is: If I build a MAME cabinet (it’s on the agenda) will I steal my buddies idea? Answer: Hell yes. Will I go all crazy and write it up with pictures, send it to slashdot and steal every ounce of glory from the guy who came up with the idea? Let me think… yep. Will I get around to this project in the next two years? nope. Which is why I am willing steal the glory and stuff, there’s got to be a time limit on this. Point being when I get around to this project (IF I get around to this project) I think I’ll go with this.


Saddam goes with paper:

Rock, Paper, Saddam Pretty funny

A bike seat for Bruce.

Saddles for REAL MEN
See Bruce rides a fixie and if that’s not enough self imposed punishment then then the granite seat should turn the trick.

The Pres versus Kerry: Men on a mission. Or is it a 400 year old conspiracy? You decide.
Strange Relations

Found a great game, and I share cause that is just the kind of guy I am.
Doom Funnel
Yeah it sounds all scary and but it’s really fun with bad physics.

On a final note: Last weekend I was listening to public radio, cause it’s all quality stuff and whatnot, and they were interveiwing a girl who thought she was a Lesbian but actually wasn’t. That was the point of the story, she had convinced herself she was homosexual and worked at a “gay newspaper” (not sure what that entails). According to the interviewee she had an epiphany when a male co worker rubbed her shoulders. She described the encounter as “like a plug in a socket” This slaughtered me. I’m no kind of writer but if I’m going to describe that particular situation there’s no way I go with the “plug in socket” description. I think back on the interview and it still kills me.

cks/BL tridiot rating: It so happens this result was reached on a prototype september iMac. 102.457963%

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