iLife and iWork updates…

What would you like to see in the next version of Apple’s i-software packs? or in other words, what would get you to upgrade?

Personally, I am still on iWork 08 and have no plans on upgrading. I only use Pages for basic word processing and never use Numbers, and rarely use Keynote. When I use Keynote, it does what I need. A new iWork would have to have some must have feature (which I can’t think of) to make me buy a new version.

As for iLife, I rarely skip a version. I am a heavy iPhoto user and I use iWeb for my websites. iPhoto 09 didn’t really have many new features that I wanted, but once I played with it I like the new editing tools. I also liked the new features in iWeb. I don’t use Garageband.

However, with that said- Apple would have to have some must have features in a new iLife to get me to upgrade too.

I am very happy with iPhoto. The Faces and Places features do nothing for me. I could care less about that. I want more editing tools. If the editing tools get stronger and add more features I would upgrade.

iWeb is still lacking a lot of features and the more features it has the better. I know it is for beginners, but I would like iWeb to continue to grow. New themes would be nice, but that would not make me buy. As I write, I know there are features I look for every time I use iWeb, but I can’t think of them right now. Figures.

Anyway, the bottom line is as these i-packages get better and better is there really a need to upgrade every year? The more that gets added one year, the less there is to add the next.

What features would you want?

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