iLife ’08 Tutorials Reveal A LOT that Steve left out of his presentation!

I’ve been sitting at my computer watching the iLife ’08 tutorials Apple has provided at

When I first heard about the tutorials I didn’t think I needed them, but I am discovering there are a lot more new features than what Steve Jobs discussed. Many are minor, but there seem to be a lot of them.

One feature I have been wanting for a while is the ability to selectively import photos off your camera instead of importing everything at once. It is now in iLIfe ’08!I can’t believe Steve did not mention this in his presentation!

In iWeb I have discovered that you can: set a link to open in a new page, delete template elements(which drove me crazy before), have more control over albums, and more. I hope they added the ability to change link colors!

The eye candy they’ve added is incredible! Just watching the smoothness and the animations in completing a task is fun.

I haven’t watched videos on the other programs yet, but I’m sure they are just as revealing! Watching these videos makes me want iLife 08 even more!

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