iHome FIT Sport Ear Buds
Company: iHome
Price: $24.99
The iHome Fitness Innovation Technology, FIT, is a line of audio products for active use or while lounging on your sofa. The iB11 2-in-1 sport ear buds that I reviewed are on the lower end of the line which made me curious about the higher end ear buds.
The iB11 sport ear buds are assembled with ear hooks providing a secure fit while exercising. The ear hooks can be detached for less active listening. The ear buds are labeled L and R and should be inserted in the left and right ear respectively to ensure proper fit and best sound. The detachable ear cushions are easy to clean and fit a variety of ear sizes.
The iB11 2-in-1 sport ear buds has a 48 cable with a 3.5mm stereo plug and in-line volume control that allows adjustments to listening levels. A travel pouch is also provided for ease of portability. In addition, the packaging hang-tag is designed to be used as a earbud cord wrap, keeping the cord tangle-free.
Enough with the features, you say? How do they sound? Pretty good for the price. The dynamic sound with enhanced bass is not as deep as I prefer for music enjoyment but fine for voice audio. However, with the ear cushions installed, they have excellent noise-cancellation ability. I was not really impressed with the in-line volume control, finding it difficult to adjust the sound levels.
During exercise, the iB11 2-in-1 sport ear buds fit perfectly in my ear with the ear cushions attached. However, they became uncomfortable after extended use. Removing the ear cushions resolved that problem.
For the $24.99 price the iB11 2-in-1 sport earbuds provide decent sound quality. The in-line volume control would need to be addressed for me to even consider giving up my Apple EarPod which functions as a remote and microphone with excellent volume control for $29.99. The iHomeFIT lline has a number of different audio products at graduated price ranges that may address these issues. However, iB11 2-in-1 sport earbuds functions well as an entry-level audio device.
MyMac Review Rating is 6 out of 10.
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