If Apple makes it…we will buy

After spending about a week in Ocean City, Maryland I’ve come up with the following conclusion: Apple could release a new iPod every 6 months and it would sell.

I came to this non-scientific conclusion after observing people sitting on the beach, people jogging, people walking along the streets, and so on. Ninety percent of the people listening to some type of audio device had either an iPod Nano or an iPod with Video. The majority of these were Nanos. I only saw one person with an iPod Mini. The rest had CD players, radios, and portable cassette players.

I would have expected a lot more Minis and older iPods. This really surprised me. I know the Nanos and iPods with Video are selling great, but this tells me that people aren’t waiting for their old iPods to die and buy a new one. Instead, they (we) are giving in to the temptation of a new iPod with the cool new features Apple has added.

So is it too soon for a new Nano or new full sized iPod? Probably not. There are a lot of people out there that would probably replace the new Nano they bought yesterday for the latest and greatest.

As for me? I replaced my first generation iPod mini in February with a 30gb iPod. I tend to hold out as long as I can. I wanted more space and I really wanted the video feature. Plus the battery life on the Mini was about four hours. I was charging it every night.

At least, that is what I keep teling myself to justify my purchase.

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