iBook vs. PowerBook? New vs. used? Call for your opinions.

(I’m using blog format for this question, because our new forums are not yet getting much traffic.)

Please use “Article discussion” section at bottom of my entry to present your opinion on the following questions. Thanks!

• On a limited budget, should a person needing a portable G4 Mac buy a 12″ iBook or 12″ PowerBook? What are the major dis/advantages of either one versus the other? Presume identical RAM and the purchase of AppleCare.

(Chris Seibold — are you able to speak from experience?)

• If a used G4 15″ PowerBook costs roughly the same as one or the other 12″ new iBook/PowerBook, but the 15″ used model is out of warranty, should buying used be considered an alternative, given the probability of an expensive potential repair?

I’ll check back to see how the discussion is proceeding. With appreciation for your responses,


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