I STILL don’t own an iPhone, but…

OK, I still do not own an iPhone. There are two main reasons why. One, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, with a view of downtown Oakland and some of San Francisco, but AT&T’s cell service simply does not work here. Not their normal service, and especially not their 3G service. And having a cell phone I cannot use at home makes little sense. Two, I still cannot justify the almost $1000 a year over my current plan this would cost me.

That said, I am now the proud owner of an iPod Touch, and after playing with this for a few weeks, I certainly understand why people are so attached to this device. Strangely, I seem to carry it with me all the time (I need a case!) and curse when Wifi is not available. I have installed at least 15 free or cheap apps from the Apple App Store, and know I will buy more. Just too much fun.

I recently had to fly to Chicago, and filled my iPod with music, a movie, and 4 TV shows, as well as 10 more free games, and it kept me entertained the entire flight, which seemed to just fly by.

Yes, the interface is excellent, and I am amazed at just how easy it is to add an application from the App store either right on the device itself, or on my Mac, both equally as easy.

Yep, I am converted to this class of device, and can only hope that one day AT&T will get into my area, and the price will drop some too, as I can easily understand why I would now want an iPhone. Especially for the times when the Wifi goes away! 🙂

OK, all that said, I have wish list for the next software update, and feel free to add your items below:

1). Cut and Paste. Why is this missing? Apple cut it’s teeth as the first GUI computer to have cut and paste. It kills me that this is missing, especially in email!

2). Interface folders: I would love to create a Game folder, a utility folder, etc, etc. I think that would be MUCH easier than sliding three or four screens to the right because I want my apps organized.

3). Sync with more than one computer. I have two main machines, as do I expect many with work and home systems. If they are both registered to me, let me sync to both of them please. This one machine only thing is quite strange.

4). FLASH DISK access on the desktop please. I thought iPods always did this, but I do not see how to use my iPod Touch as a FLASH drive. Can this be done, or not anymore?

5). Rotate screen in email. Am I missing something here? Why does this not work?

6). Better Wifi management. It works well enough, but it relies too much on making it’s own decisions on security, and I would like to be able to do some manual settings for other networks I know before I actually see the network.

7). Music AND game sounds together. It seems that some sounds from some applications stop music playing. I would like an option that always lets my music continue.

8). “GO BACK” or “Previous App”: I would like to be able to jump back to the previous application. This is especially important when you click on a link in email, and are taken to the web browser. A button for “Application Back” would be great to simply go straight back to email, and not have to go through the home button. There are a number of places where this would be great.

9). Auto-fill in Safari. I hate having to type the same things over and over. I would gladly give up some space for an auto fill function.

10). A Keychain: I would like to see the equivalent of the Mac keychain make it’s way into the iPod Touch/iPhone interface. Give me a “remember” check box on dialogs needing my password (for example) and only ask me once per session.

11). And finally for me on this list, a better text entry. I am still a Treo users, and the physical keyboard simply kicks butt over the screen keyboard. I have given this some time, and I am getting a little faster, but the keyboard is simply not so great. Maybe some smarter autofill would help here?

OK, what would you like to see changed or added?


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