I said it before, and I’ll say it again!

Way back in January of ’07, I wrote of three things I would like to have seen included in the next release of Mac OS X. Well, guess what? I still want those three things. As much as I love Leopard, (running very nicely on my new iMac, thank you) I just think these three items would make the OS, and the experience, that much better. I know, I know: It’s whining. Yep, that’s exactly what it is, but as this is Thanksgiving week, and as Macworld ’09 is on the horizon I decided, “what the heck”. And so:

-A real, two button mouse. Steve, buddy, pal,,, That mouse that ships with new Macs just isn’t cutting it. I find it to be unusable. Readers, if it works for you, well that’s nice. But for me, no. I need two real buttons, and a real scroll wheel. Thus, I’m sticking with my Kensington optical pilot mouse. Question for those of you who are running Windows or Linux through a virtual machine: What issues, if any, have you had when you are in your virtual machine, and you have tried to use the Apple supplied mouse?

-A printer test page. Yes, I do know that the Mac does indeed have a printer test page. You can access it by opening any browser, and entering this url:


Yes, do I know that. For those who did not, well, now you do. It’s a damn fine printer test page too. I just feel that you should be able to use it from the print and fax control panel, and not have to open a browser. Click on a button, print a test page. It’s just what I think. Anyone is free to disagree. This is America, after all.

-Themes. Yes, I know you can have interface themes, using a third party utility such as Shape Shifter. I just think it’s high time for Apple to build a few into the OS itself. I wouldn’t go overboard with this. Five themes should be fine. (Psst,,,I’d really like a NeXt theme. How geeky is that?)

Thoughts and opinions, anyone?

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