How to tell your cashier is on drugs

I’ve resolved myself to stop worrying about the fact that so many young employees at stores and restaurants don’t seem to have any idea what they’re doing, and instead I’m content to just get a kick out of it. Like the last time I walked into the local Kentucy Fried Chicken and ordered a piece of chicken and the cashier had no idea how to ring it up because I wasn’t ordering a combo meal.

But the best yet has to have been yesterday when I was at a convenience store and my total came to $4.04 so I handed her a five dollar bill. She asked if I had four cents, and to my surprise it turns out there was a nickel rattling round in my pocket. So I hand it to her and she says I need to give her another penny. Rather than trying to explain that that five is actually more than four, not less, I just fish in my pocket and pull out a penny and hand it to her. So now I’ve given her $5.06 to pay for a bill of $4.04, and for the change he hands me back one dollar and one cent. It’s a good thing she understood that particular mathematical progression, because it was way over my head.

The kicker is that I was trying so hard not to bust out laughing that I dropped the penny on the floor, so she pulled another penny out of the drawer and handed it to me! At that point I couldn’t refain from laughing, but at least she thought I was laughing about dropping the penny. I was tempted to keep dropping it to see how many more pennies she’d hand me out of her drawer, but having gotten enough of a laugh out of the exchange, I headed out the door.

The only thing that could have made it funner is if she’d tried to chat me up by telling me she was a math major..

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