How to Make a Diet Really Work

You are thrilled and excited to start off a new diet system, by the time you’re done you will be looking sleek and trim.

After going through the first day or two, you start to feel how burdensome and hard this process is, to add insult to injury, everyone you know, is aware that you’re working on a diet, and everyone is examining your body’s shape every time they lay their eyes on you, disappointing you by saying “You look quite the same, aren’t you suppose to be on a diet?”

That by its self adds a lot of pressure and stress on us, feeling judged and monitored all the time by people’s harsh perceptions, while all we want is to benefit our selves by simply loosing some weight.

The main problem could rise because we don’t really understand how our bodies works, so let’s take a closer look at understanding how the human body works.

To make things clear and easy, think of the human body as a primitive tool, its main objective is merely to survive no matter what, it doesn’t care about how it looks from the outside, as long as it is alive and well.

By using diets which are based on any type of fasting or depriving your self from food, would lead the body to think that it’s under attack and won’t get any food soon, which makes it start to react in a way we don’t want, it will think that you’re stranded on a desert island or alone in a jungle with no food around to eat.

The body will think that it should start to preserve its self as much as possible, just incase the worst happens, by storing energy in the form of fat into its fat cells, and by doing so, it will either start to gain weight, especially on cheat days that are included in the diet system, or at least preserve its fat reserve banks as long as it could.

Now that is not what you wanted when you started the diet, did you? So how do you make your body react in the way you want it to, you want to loose weight not gain, right?

The trick is to delude your body, by making it think that there is more food coming in on regular bases, while all the food you give it is low in calories but large in quantities.

By feeding your body around the clock all the time, it will relax and start to burn beyond the actual needed metabolism it really requires, every time you eat something light in calories and large in amount it will burn a little more from the stored fat reserve banks it has. Fooled by the amount you’ve just had.

Understanding this simple concept and keeping it on your mind, the next time you begin a new diet, people will start to notice how effective it really is, but most importantly, is the fact that you feel full all the time, and good about your self and your results, by the time you’re done you will be looking sleek and trim.

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