How the iPhone will help the iPod

So the iPhone is here. As I’ve said before, I have no plans to get one. I am not an AT&T customer, and I have no plans of switching. I also like the flip phone format better than that of the iPhone, and phones like it (format that is).

However, I do have an iPod and I, like many others, anxiously await the revealing of the next generation iPod. Many of us also believe the next iPod will be an iPhone minus the phone.

(I really like the WiFi capability in the iPhone.)

So how does all of this help out us iPod owners? I’ll tell you.

Buying the 1.0 version of any product is not always the best idea. There are always going to be bugs, sometimes big ones. These bugs are usually worked out in time, and the product gets a software update. The software update could also include new features.

Have you figured out where I’m going with this?

The iPhone is not only version 1.0 for the iPhone, but it could also be looked at as version 1.0 of the next generation iPod (assuming it will be the iPhone minus the phone).By the time this hypothetical iPod is released many of the bugs will be fixed and found from troubleshooting the iPhone. As a result, this iPod will be much better than it would have been if it was released at the same time as the iPhone or before it.

Sure the iPod would still have some bugs, but I would think a lot less.

So that’s how those of us without an iPhone, can still benefit (and save a lot of money in the process).

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