How loud is iLoud? Is it worth $300? – Nemo Memo preview


Today the long-awaited iLoud from IK Multimedia has its official release. iLoud is a top of the line battery–powered portable wireless Bluetooth speaker for serious musicians and similar demanding listeners.

After reading the company’s claims and watching the comparative online videos, I am excited to be receiving an iLoud unit soon for our MyMac review.

Bluetooth-capabile wireless premium speakers are trending upward in price and specs, and are sounding better year to year. The $300 price point is a new ceiling that also includes a recently-announced Bose unit that has had mixed reviews.

IK Multimedia delivers consistent pro-level quality in their other audio hardware. If iLoud can produce robust studio monitor portable sound throughout the frequency spectrum and at all volume levels, musicians will consider its cost to be highly-affordable.

A dedicated guitar-cable port screams crank me up, iLoud. The 40w power supply give iLoud a head start over all similar speakers we have reviewed to date, although iLoud wants no others to be considered in the similar category. The company’s DSP (digital signal processing) enhancement will be tested by us and all reviewers.

We don’t typically become excited about products based on pre-release information. Let’s all hope iLoud warrants all the attention it will receive, starting today.

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