How Can You Find a Mac Developer?

I have a dilemma. I’ve got an idea for a new Mac OS X application, but I’m not a developer. I’ve got a mockup of the document window and all the menus and submenus, and Donny Yankellow is working on a cool icon. Everyone I’ve shown it to thinks it’s a fantastic idea. The one thing I don’t have is the thing I need the most – a developer/partner to make this thing real.

I started out by asking around, and since I don’t hang out with lots of developers and most of my friends don’t know any developers that hasn’t gotten me far. I did manage to find the son of a friend who is perfectly qualified – and at the moment far too busy to help.

I was going to try craigslist, but the terms prohibit the kind of posting I’d need to do since it’s not exactly a salaried job – yet.

Forums were the next thing I thought of, but unless I’m using the wrong search terms there just don’t seem to be any major developer forums. Apple doesn’t have one, other than a “beta” of an iPhone developer forum. I’d like it to have an iPhone companion eventually, but right now that would be putting the cart before the horse.

Apple does have a developer mailing list, which was suggested to me by another developer who was unable to help. I tried that, but the moderators haven’t approved it yet. They may, but I guess a business proposition might not be an appropriate message for this particular list. They did recommend a Yahoo group I haven’t looked at yet.

Not sure where this will end up, but this is the start of what hopefully will be a very interesting journey. Messages for help will probably be what succeeds. Slowly I am getting in contact with more people who “know a friend who may be interested.” And then the friend is too busy or something but offers another suggestion. More dead ends, but some more suggestions.

What would you do find a developer? Are you a developer looking for a potentially big business opportunity? Do you know someone or have a suggestion? If so, please click my name above than click the email link. I think it’s gonna be a fun ride!

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