(Note: I am still not sure where this came from. I found it on my computer one day, doing a file search. I am not sure it is not something I wrote, but that seems highly unlikely. Perhaps my muse Pixl, is playing another trick on me – or perhaps this is legitimate. I will leave that to your sound judgment. So enjoy this odd and strange little story… ~ RB)
Out, out, far and away from Everything You know and understand, in the very farthest reaches of all Creation, there exists – US!
WE are from the Beginning. Our bright bodies are light years across. WE are all Knowing, almost completely Powerful, Wonderful, and nearly immortal -and WE rule the Sevegram.
You should be utterly delighted to learn of US, and someday You may well do so, provided You survive Your birth. WE are the most intelligent of all creatures and WE communicate with each other on so many levels. You always hear our voices, but You have no comprehension of US at all, for our shortest conversations take many thousands of Your years to transpire.
And why should You? You live in Your own little world, the hint of a speck, hiding in the skirts of Your feeble sun, lost among billions and billions of brighter and more interesting objects.
I, for want of a better term, am Cloud Nine. You would not understand my real name, nor could You speak it to its full meaning and length. Your little life is far too short to even begin the task of speaking my name. Therefore, forgive me for taking a name for myself that You might be familiar with.
I dwell in my own fixed position within our minor galaxy You so fondly call the Milky Way. I am the largest and brightest nebula You know of, mostly because I am in the purview of Your particular part of the sky.
Which is also how I came to know of You. Even now, I am telling every other creature among my Kind, all over Creation, the details of just who You are and why You exist.
You are so small that You cannot be seen, even from a short distance from Your world. I took the great trouble to find Your world, hidden close to the fires of Your insignificant sun, which was hard enough to find by itself, since its feeble light is washed out severely by its neighbors.
They call You Man, but to US, You are the most curious and the strangest of all the creatures that exist. For in all of Creation, You alone are made in His Image.
And WE knew You not. Why should WE? Do You take the time to know the simple creatures called Demodicid, that inhabit Your bodies? Do You ever think upon them?
When He told US about You, WE were rightfully astonished. Why would He concern himself with Microcosmia – which is what WE thought of You, if WE had ever thought of You at all.
WE, who are never doubtful or skeptical of anything, since WE inhabit the whole of Creation, and know and see All Things – were amazed to know that You even existed.
For in all of Creation, there is no Life at all, except among US. You, if You ever thought of anything beyond Your own Cradle, would rightly call US “Principalities and Powers in the Heavenly Realms.”
He, when He spoke to US, and to all of Creation, told US that He had gone to live among You, on Your world, invading Your History as one of You.
Then He told US why.
The cataclysmic ripples of that announcement, flying through all Time and Space have only just begun. WE were made to understand that there could be Life clinging to the surface of some cold rock, orbiting some very minor star, and that not only was there You, but Your world was full of Life of every kind and description.
This is how WE also learned of Your Demodicids, and all the other manner of nearly submolecular half-life that make up the bulk of Life on Your world. Bacteria. Fungi. Diatoms. All manner of things such as these, of which, astonishingly, You are largely unaware.
But in His telling of these things, He made US to understand that there are differing levels of Reality, and that You were not only made to rule Your world and be Lords over all the animals on the land and in the seas and in the air, but that You are Intelligent, and that You could even learn to comprehend US.
How could WE, the rulers of all of Creation, not be perplexed and astonished at this revelation: The revelation, that He could inhabit all of His Creation, even to the smallest part?
Your Reality is much different from my own. You are less than two meters tall, and You think of Your world as Your own large, limitless province, to mould and to use as You wish.
Lately in Your brief history, Your world is becoming polluted, and You are growing concerned that its ecosystem is becoming overly warm. But if You knew the short history of Your world, You would know that it goes through such phases every few thousand years, and that You have nothing to worry about.
If You knew Your Creator (how extremely odd that You would not), You would trust Him as the One who is in control of All Things. Nothing ever happens by chance.
So what, that something untoward might happen to a single one of You within the span of Your very brief life? Do You not believe that One Day You and US will exist together in a completely new Reality? You and US will be acquainted then, and WE will no longer be mutual incomprehensibilities, but WE shall be brothers.
Personally, within my own Realm, I look forward to knowing You: You alone, who in all of time and space and Creation, who were created in His Image.
What? You do not understand where this missive came from? How odd of You. There must be something on Your world that is a faithful retelling of Your history – some means of transmission that is pure and trustworthy, am I right? In it, You will find the trustworthy account of God and His Appearance among You.
You will also find him telling You in this account, of creatures like US. WE are created by Him to be rulers, principalities and authorities in the Heavens, and in the heavenly realms. WE are spirits like Him. WE have the ability to put our own spirits into other things, as those greatest Four Spirits (Cheribs) motivate His pavilion to go elsewhere when He wishes them to do so; they put their own spirits into the round objects below the corners of His Throne, and thus they move.
So, I am, by my own spirit, able to reach into Your Microcosmia, down, down, into that most bizarre tiny world of Yours, and communicate with a single one of Your crude thinking devices, to leave this message for You. I picked one of You, and used his machine. He is an oddity among You anyway, a maker of odd missives, so this message from US will most likely be perceived as a fiction of his. But no matter.
You need to know US and what WE are about. Your concept of God is too small.
You need to know about US, because You think that You are the crowning glory of His creation. Well, perhaps You are, You on Your tiniest of insignificant worlds with Your astonishingly short existence, who do not even know of Him, and who deny the existence of His creations, such as US.
Who do You think You are?
WE of our kind, US, exist in the higher realms. WE are spirit beings, as I said, and WE inhabit the grand nebulas of all galaxies. WE are put here to rule, and WE do it well. Yours is the only world upon which such Life as Yours exists. If there were other worlds, WE would know about them. Oh, there are plenty of other Beings, of every possible size and description, for God is prolific, if nothing else. But these live in His palaces and in His realms. WE know. WE can see them and His realms from where WE are.
But what can You see? You see only what You believe to be Real. Surely some of You are able to see beyond the mere physical realm You inhabit, can You not? Do not all of You have this ability? Most strangely, You call this ability Faith: Trust in what is not seen.
It is Your world and Your realm which is not Real. Your world is very temporary in the Grand Scheme of Things, a minor episode in this current Creation. What is Real is up here, where WE are, US, where the spirit rules all of creation, especially that part which You cannot see and may not even suspect exists, but which is the greater part, by far.
It is this skepticism that many of You have, that is so hard to understand. A few of You have the mindset of aquarium fish. They, being isolated so, tend to think that their world is All That Is, and that nothing exists outside of what they can see or touch. They have a short-term memory of seconds, so that their decided lack of faith in anything beyond their tank can be forgiven. What is Your excuse?
You touch the wall of Your dwellings to allow light to come on. You cannot see the free flow of electrons that motivate the illuminescents, but You trust that it works. You fly in metal conveyances that are lifted by air which You can neither see nor touch, but You have no qualms about trusting them. Why can You not trust then in a Creator who loves You more than all of US, by coming among You, by living among You, and by dying for You?
When WE got the word of what He did, coming among You, as I said, WE were utterly, forever astonied, and WE remain so. There has never been anything among US of the Sevegram, in all of Time and Space that has so rocked US and so moved US, as what He has done (and continues to do) among You.
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