Guy Goes Android, Kinda – MyMac Podcast #403

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By Kinda, we mean he bought a cheap Android tablet and seems to hate it. Let’s hear it for positive reinforcement and how a good experience leads you to buy tech items again! YAY! Gaz makes it back from Turkey alive, but the worst part seems to be getting home. Also his daughters are hell on their iPhones. The little cloner that couldn’t Psystar is finally dead and the GMen continue their discussion over how to make an iPad you main portable device. This week it’s external storage options.

Some Links
The AirStash
Seagate GoFlex Satellite
The HyperShop
Guys App Pick: Temple Run by Imangi Studios free with in-app purchases.
Gazs Pick: No Menu Bar Utility free

One thought on “Guy Goes Android, Kinda – MyMac Podcast #403

  1. I also bought a 7″ Android tablet, a no name Chinese brand I paid more, about $140, but got a model with a more recent OS (Ice Cream Sandwich) and 16GB of RAM, SD card, USB, and HDMI. It needs some work, though, no English manual, and it won’t run Google Pay to get apps without some hacking, which I haven’t had time to do yet.

    I also considered the Seagate GoFlex, but was bothered by it being a mechanical hard drive, as I am a klutz. I wound up getting the Kingston Wi-Drive, which is much smaller (16 or 32GB, with a 64GB model announced), but solid state and small enough to fit in a shirt pocket. It will also allow 3 simultaneous users, and some reviews have said that this isn’t a hard limit, that more is possible. It also has a bridged mode, so that you can still use the internet even when connected to the Wi-Drive.. It was quite expensive when launched, but prices have dropped, I got the 32GB model for $89 from B&H in NYC, and I have seen the 16GB model as low as $49. You can stream to pretty much anything, even OSs which don’t have native apps can stream by typing in a URL.

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