While the single player portion of GTA IV is the main reason I purchased the game the week before last, the multiplayer is fun at times as well. Like tonight, for instance.

There I am, running and gunning with a bunch of people. Then someone decides they are going to grab a helicopter and start strafing people from the air. Good idea, really. Except I had a rocket launcher. So I jump in a car, and drive to where most of the other online people are shooting it up. And sure enough, there is the helicopter, blasting everyone in sight. I just out of the car, shoot a few rockets at the guy (and miss) and decide to get closer. I get a perfect bead on the guy, pull the trigger, and die. HU? Damn, I ended up shooting the lamp post right above my head, and the resulting explosion…

My consolation is that I did get the guy in the chopper with a simple pistol by climbing to the roof of a nearby building, and kept shooting until I got him. I don’t think he ever saw me, as he kept circling the street. HA!

This is the best game I have played in years. Maybe forever, but it is too early to say.

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