On episode 371 of Geekiest Show Ever, Elisa and Melissa share their favorite Mac utilities with the most beautiful interfaces. Melissa attended an outdoor festival and shares what she learned about high-tech wristbands. We’ll have links to the apps and resources we discussed in our full show notes which you can check out here: https://www.geekiestshowever.com/gse371-useful-utilities/ Episode Artwork Credit: Melissa Davis
Setapp from MacPaw: https://setapp.com
MacPaw, a developer founded in Kyiv, Ukraine, makes *amazing* software. We want to show our support, so please read the MacPaw blog for more information on how you can also #StandWithUkraine https://macpaw.com/blog
Bartender from Surtees Studios: https://www.macbartender.com (also available on Setapp: https://setapp.com/apps/bartender)
Due app from Due: https://www.dueapp.com/
Folder Colorizer for Mac from Softorino: https://softorino.com/how-to-change-folder-color-on-mac/
https://softorino.com/faq/universal-license/ (Compare this lifetime license with a monthly subscription if you find similar apps in other software store catalogs.)
CleanMyMac X from MacPaw: https://macpaw.com/cleanmymac (or use Melissa’s affiliate link here)
iMazing from DigiDNA https://imazing.com
Omni Discsweeper from Omnigroup https://www.omnigroup.com/more
1Password from 1Password: https://www.1password.com/
SuperDuper! from ShirtPocket https://shirtpocket.com
Dropbox from Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/plans
Push Mic Control from Jose Antonio Jimenez Campos: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/push-mic-control-a-push-to-talk-ptt-manager/id1155850258?mt=12
iGlasses from eCamm https://www.ecamm.com/mac/iglasses/
Call Recorder from eCamm https://www.ecamm.com/mac/callrecorder/
Disclosure: Elisa and Melissa have been provided with review licenses for some of the software discussed in this episode. They have not been paid to positively review these apps. They just really love the software and think it’s both useful and beautiful! Melissa may earn an affiliate commission on MacPaw apps for pointing you to their site.
Do you have questions about what you heard in this episode? Please send us your feedback. You can email us: podcast at geekiestshowever dot com. Follow us on Twitter for additional tips and conversation: https://twitter.com/GeekiestShow. We’d like to hear from you, so let us know which tech topics interest you most. Elisa can be found at https://twitter.com/elisapacelli1 and Melissa can be found at https://TheMacMommy.com/
Audio PlayerEpisode Artwork Credit: Melissa Davis
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