On Geekiest Show Ever episode 361, Melissa talks with Allison Sheridan on an episode of Chit Chat Across The Pond on how to help seniors set up their iPhones. There’s a lot to think about when working with seniors, and Melissa gives some fantastic advice to make the process as quick and painless as possible, and more importantly, enjoyable for everyone. Here is a link to Melissa’s guide to Setting up iPhone for Vintage Users in a Dignified Way
Check out our full show notes here:

Thanks to Allison Sheridan for sharing this episode. You can find Allison every week on the NosillaCast Podcast and

Do you have questions about what you heard in this episode? Please send us your feedback. You can email us: podcast at geekiestshowever dot com. Follow us on Twitter for additional tips and conversation: We’d like to hear from you, so let us know which tech topics interest you most. Elisa can be found at and Melissa can be found at

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Artwork for this episode is by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

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