Gross Negligence

There are stories floating around the net that the FCC has not made the matching payments due to candidates running for President. This effectively puts them out of the media market before the elections, and of course, mutes any criticism of the President.

Since the administration is duty bound to uphold the law and enforce it, particularly in areas where it disagrees with it, this is a troubling rumor. Neither of these complaints come from a front runner. The President, along with Kerry and Dean, have all decided to forgo matching funds so that they will not be encumbered by spending limits.

I suppose the FCC could be too busy looking at Janet’s boob, or it could be that the guy running the show is a boob.

You decide.

Part of my disgust comes from doing my taxes today. Remember that Child Tax Credit? They couldn’t make it any more difficult to understand, unless it was written in latin.

The worksheet to fill out the necessary single line on form 1040 was a 16 page download. And, to confirm the amount already received I have to go to the government’s website and enter in my social security number. Let’s hope the terrorists don’t know how to use a computer. Weren’t we convicting people for supplying valid social security numbers for false ID’s recently?

And then there is the worksheet itself. Here are some gems from it:

Use this worksheet only if you were sent here from the Line 13 worksheet on page 6 of this publication or line 4 of Form 8812.

Is the amount on line 6 more than the amount on line 7?
No. Leave line 8 blank. Enter 0 on line 9.
Yes. Subtract line 7 from line 6.
If the result is not a multiple of $1000, increase it to the next multiple of $1000.

What do you do if the numbers match? Select YESNO

Is the amount on line 1 of the Child Tax Credit Worksheet on page 4 $3000 or more?
NO. If line 4 is zero, STOP. Do not complete the rest of this worksheet. Instead, go back to Child Tax Credit Worksheet on page 5 and do the following. Enter the amount on line 12 on line 13 and complete line 14 and 15. If line 4 above is more than zero, leaves lines 6 through 9 blank, enter 0 on line 10, and go to line 11 on the next page.
Yes. If line 4 above is equal to more than line 1 above, leave lines 6 through 9 blank, enter 0 on line 10, and go to line 11 on the next page. Otherwise, see 1040 Filers and 1040A Filers on page 7 and then go to line 6.

Caution. Use this worksheet only if you answered YES on line 13 of the Child Tax Credit Worksheet on page 5.

This is an example of nested commands in programming. To create a system of pouring cash out of the federal treasury, while the debt grows, is both fiscally irresponsible and really stupid when done in such a manner. How hard is it to give money away? Really? Why do we waste our time putting so many numbers on a sheet of paper? Our system of taxation is antiquated.

How come Rush Limbaugh doesn’t take dollar bills and fold them up into the shape of an AIDS ribbon anymore? Is he no longer a fiscal deficit sympathizer? He was always quick to mock others, but that was really funny when he did it. We have too many people in this country who present themselves as patriots, when in reality they are just partisan. This is true of both the left and the right.

I love Bush. He proves how foolish our tax system really is. If we can do bold stupid plans, maybe we can try other bold plans too. One thing is sure, money no longer has any value associated with it at all.

There is only one step after gross negligence.

JUBILEE. Start over, and try again.

If it was good enough for Robert Morris and the President’s brother when he headed the Silverado Savings and Loan, then it should be good enough for everybody else too.

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