Great iWeb Resources

I just upgraded to ILife ’06, and I was really anxious to try iWeb. Based on
many reviews I have read, my expectation were not high.

I’ve been playing with it for a few days now, and I love it! It is much more
flexible than using .Mac’s Homepage for page layout. Homepage is great, but
iWeb is better.

Is it perfect? No. I will not be taking Dreamweaver off my drive anytime soon. However, it is a lot better than I expected.

Anyway, one of the problems I am having with iWeb is that I can’t change the
color of linked text. I posted a question on Apple’s Discussion site, and I
was told this is not possible in iWeb. I would have to tweak the HTML (I use Dreamweaver for stuff like this),
or make a custom template.

Make a custom template? After asking further, I was pointed to this site :
Here I found templates for iWeb, directions on installing them, directions
on making a template, and more. This is a great site to visit if you want more
out of iWeb, including the missing “Blank” template set, which Apple should have

Check it out. Best of all, it’s free!

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