They are called Gravametric Radicals. Dr. Simon Ness of the Physics department at the University of California, Berkley campus is publishing the essentials of his findings. Using a radical new desktop collider, he claims to have discovered the very first evidence of gravity particles, which are also known as gravitons.
“It has long been known that these particles travel at the speed of light, but unlike light particle/waves, they do have a very small amount of mass.” Said DR. Ness. His discovery could significantly change the landscape of physics as we know it today, and could even speed the formulation of a final grand unified field theory.
Gravametric Radicals (GMRs) engage matter and space (and possibly time) in what is called Boatine Fritication. Essentially it is the dance between matter, energy and gravity that we are all familiar with. The more mass that is brought to the party, the more GMRs there are as well. Dr. Ness explains that this Boatine Fritication defines the attraction at a distance, but it also shows significant and surprising repulsion at near atomic levels.
Using his desktop collider (the design of which is secret for now), Dr. Ness tried a number of target disks, mostly foils, to collect these GMRs. He thought lead might be the best, but it turns out that the high grade steel of the collider’s frame was the place he first made the discovery.
“If you think about it, these GMRs have been showing up around us for a long time now. We just didn’t understand that was what they were.”
He said that the most likely place any of us notice these gravity particles is when our high grade steel bumpers in the front of our cars begin to collect them. Since GMRs attract other objects of iron and steel at a distance, it is obvious how the effect of these things work.
“You are in your car, driving in rush hour. Your lane slows down because many of the cars in front seem to slow down or stop for no apparent reason. You move into another lane that is moving, but that new lane also begins to stop and the lane you left suddenly begins to move again. Blame it on the GMRs that have become embedded in your front bumper. Over the course of many months, driving at speed across the surface of the earth, the heavy iron and steel elements in your front bumper and frame collect many thousands of these gravity particles.
Dr. Ness is already in talks with the government to begin a program to harvest these gravametric radicals, for the purpose of possible use in various military and space research programs. It is likely that there will be an incentive program to recycle the front metal of most cars on the road today, perhaps on a once-a-year basis.
Already other countries are chiming in on such a mass harvesting of GMRs. Russia already indicated that is has had a program in place for several decades, but said that it is classified. Doubtless they are harvesting GMRs from the metal in their tractors and tanks.
Our Navy has expressed interest in how to find these GMRs, perhaps to see if they are embedded in the bows of their ships. The Air Force also has been seeking the same information.
Obviously, GMRs may turn out to be the primal cause to a lot of unexplained and embarrassing activity and collisions between ships at sea, as well as odd activity of planes in and around airports and landing fields.
Perhaps even other strange phenomenon such as unidentified flying objects may eventually be explained by GMRs – either because of their effect on ordinary metal objects, or because aliens use them to propel their craft.
One wonders if Dr. Ness has completely comprehended the gravity of his new discovery.
(Sources: Rohan News, and various.)
Roger Born
“Sorry, No Refunds”
Film at 11.
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