I finally posted a new GRACK! at JHFarr.com. You can get to it by clicking on the image below. That URL will always have the current column, incidentally (for purists, the unadorned, ad-free permanent link is here).

The wind blew strongly from the south and shook the branches, but the tiny carcass was firmly lodged. Back and forth it waved, like something in a dream you half-remember and try not to forget. It must have fallen from the sky, dropped by a raven or a hawk, or been accidentally lost by dueling magpies, I reasoned. Curiously excited, I walked quickly back to the house and grabbed my camera. For the next ten minutes I took picture after picture without really knowing why: it was just a little thing, or so it seemed, but I was totally consumed, even happy, without knowing who or what to thank.
Also, you say you want snow? Just check out today’s Fotofeed, and please note that this image changes every day.
And lest we forget what else happened on this date: if only, if only …

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