I received my phone bill today, added to the total charges was an additional $75.17 charged from ZPDI for two collect calls my son made when he got stranded in Las Vegas and was in a no cell service area. Each call lasted six minutes. $18.13 of the charges were for NCIC Non-Subscriber fee ($7.00); Universal service fund ($7.63); and Carrier cost recover fee ($3.50). $57.04 was for the two calls which were six minutes long each.
When my son called the first time and I knew I would have to speak with him at least once more I asked him for the number of the pay phone where he was so I could call him back. (I figured the call would be expensive but was in no way prepared for the actual charges that were billed.) He said that the phone had a sign on it that said it did not accept incoming calls.
I called ZPDI to complain (wouldn’t you?) and was connected with Edna, representative #102. Edna listened to my complaint but said there was nothing she could do. I stated I would not pay the bill. Edna offered me a credit of $25.67, apparently this is their standard offer for “being unaware of the rate.” Edna said it would take 60-90 days for the credit to appear on my bill. I then asked for an address where I could write to ZPDI. Edna told me that if she gave me the address, she could not offer me the credit.
[Moe Syzlak] Whaaaaaa?????? [/Moe Syzlak]
“Let me make 100% sure I understand what you just said Edna, did you just tell me that if you give me the address where I can write to ZPDI, you can no longer offer me the credit?”
“That is correct,” Edna #102 replied.
A little research on the inter nets brought me to this webpage, an explanation of how this type of business got started and what the consumer can try to do for relief. And if reading that doesn’t chap your hide enough, go ahead and read ZPDI: Behind the Screen.
Then you better just hope that no one you know is ever at the mercy of these greedy scoundrels like my son was. To quote Catherine Tate, “What a &%$#&%^ Liberty!”
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