Got a Powerful Jones

I’ve got an overwhelming urge to make a new video. My last good one was the Bigfoot/GL2 review and I was fairly happy with the second half. Still, there was near infinite room for improvement. This time I don’t have anything to review so I think I’m going to for full comedic intent. This project is quite a bit more ambitious than earlier efforts, requiring special effects and a camera person. I wonder who we can rope into running the camera (so far all my vids have either been one or two person total crew. Todd and myself.) Hey, if you live around Knoxville and want in on the action, drop me a line.

I think I’ll take a few minutes at the end of the shoot and make a tape to apply for Mythbusters. I’ve got a science degree, plenty of experience with machine tools and a Mac. Might as well give it a shot. One of the things you have to include in your video application is a proposed myth busting experiment. My favorite urban legend is the one about the girl in biology class who is looking at spit under the microscope. She sees something she doesn’t recognize and calls the professor over. The Prof identifies the mysterious wee beastie as a spermatozoa. HAHAHAH aahhhh ha. Okay, it’s not so funny but it is an actual myth and I think my experimental set up would be a lot of fun…for me. Actually I’ll need a better myth than that. I heard that if you drop a penny from the empire state building it’ll go right through someones head (It won’t, I did the math) so maybe I’ll pitch that one. I also heard, once, that Pauly Shore had a career in movies…but that’s just silly.

Today’s Game: Altoids Fun. Oddly reminiscent of Leisure Suit Larry.

Bit of overheard weirdness: It is claimed that if you crack your Xbox, do some soldering, and input a code you can play burned games. That would be pretty sweet… if I had a Xbox. (should it be “an Xbox” or “a Xbox”, generally “an” is used if the word starts with a vowel but “a Xbox” just sounds odd)

One last thing. WTF happened to Pro Wrestling? (Rasslin if you prefer). I used to love that stuff but now I don’t even keep up with it. Is it ’cause Steve Austin doesn’t wrestle? Was the exit of Mick Foley the back breaker? Is it because Brock Lesnar looks like a giant cabbage patch doll? I think it started going downhill as soon as the WCW folded, or perhaps even earlier when Scott Hall started drinking more during the show than I did while watching it. Chico.

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