According to This CBSMarketwatch story Duke University will be giving all incoming freshman an iPod. In addition to playing music the iPod will supposedly be used for more academic concerns such as school calendars and supplementary class materials. (Story found at
Good news for those who hate Duke:
Todd and I are starting our own pilot program. For the same 30 grand you’d spend for a year at Duke we’ll set you up with an iPod, iPod mini, Dual 2.5Ghz G5 PowerMac, 30 inch Apple Monitor and tuition to the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. How can you pass it up? Financial aid not available.
Bailey’s Link-o-Rama*:
(*not endorsed by Bailey)
Ninja Jeopardy Pretty funny and about the only way Ken Jennings will ever be unseated as Jeopardy Champion.
Chances are Guy Serle will enjoy Blondestar Though it doesn’t involve Florida, so maybe not.
Alcohol without liquid? It’s not possible you say? Oh but it is! Check out the AWOL Alcohol Without Liquid Machine I guess Todd’s wedding present isn’t a mystery anymore.
This short video makes me fairly hungry Delicious Those guys at Ringling have some talent.
Well that is it for tod…
Oh yeah, more blog fodder:
Answer: 12 days
Ken Jennings: “What are the number of days left before Todd gets Married?”
Absolutely correct.
Here’s a nice pic of Todd just to torque him off:
Last time I posted a pic of Todd I awoke to four flat tires. It’s worth it to get Todd worked up.
BL/cks tridiot rating: I was using the slashdot servers to calculate this (Note Roger got a good gag in on the iPod thread) and it crashed /. seriously. So I used some theoretical mathimatical formulae I’ve deriving and the answer was a solid 129%. Add the penalty and I’m left with an astoundingly lame 134%.
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