Getting Relatives on the ‘net

My sister needs to get on the net, her dell crapped out (what? no way!). She blames it on a virus, I maintain it’s just cause dells suck. I told her, being the biggest Mac shill of all time, to get a Mac. She laughed and said Macs were too hard to use (though she can use my parents original iMac just fine) “What are you smoking?” I screamed. She then told me about how when she was in school the teacher would always give extra instructions for those using a Mac. I guess stuff like that might make a Mac possibly seem more difficult…

In any event I finally talked her into to a Mac, when she got the dough together. I, being a nice guy, said I would help her out (cause she takes care of her kids, my other sisters kids, works full time etc) with the purchase price.

This leaves me in a bit of a pickle, I haven’t really priced out budget Macs in quite awhile. I’ve been looking at PowerBooks and G5s (though I really am very satisfed with my current upgraded g4, 1Ghz, thanks OWC). So my question, should you find yourself with a spare moment is:

What is the best new/used mac value around? Where’s the best place to get it?

The things to remember when answering: reliability is key, imovie is a must

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