The other day I got an e-mail from a guy with a site named after him. No big deal, lots of people have sites named after them. Still I like to look at these personally named sites, you find some of the coolest, offbeat and revealing stuff. There’s an odd satisfaction in reading someone else’s resume.
I stumbled on the site as I was working on one of my most ambitious art projects. It’s scene of a fellow named Delacroix swan diving off a perilously high tree into an impossibly narrow river. (It’s for a story I’m writing…I know, I know, leave fiction to the writers… geeze, I was bored)
But then I saw this site and it crushed my ambition to draw anything more challenging than a stick figure. Sure I always knew Todd was a great artist, but another mymac guy cranking out top notch stuff? Geeze I should be ashamed to put up the shlock I post. Oh the site? Go ahead, poke around it’s all pretty friggin great stuff.
But wait, there’s still time to see my chronicles of Wun and Tu. Yeah, it’s horrible but at the time I thought it was okay. I remember I used to crank one of those puppies out every night and e-mail them to a list. The odd thing was that most of the e-mails went to New Zealand. Something about that strip appealed to the Kiwis because out of the 70 or so people I mailed the strips to 60 were in New Zealand. Go figure.
So if I post a video, Tim will post a video that’s way better (Actually I’ve seen Tim’s latest vid, so I know this for sure). If I post a story Roger will post one much much nicer. If I even think about posting a drawing Todd’s gonna do one that makes mine look like total crap. If I try to write a moderately funny gag Beth will post something hilarious. Even if I just post a link to a cool article John Farr going to post a link to the latest grack and make my ref look lame. What’s the point I ask? Well, I can post inane, overly personal ramblings. Heck, nobody is better at that.
Game of the day: Bash the Friggin Author (yes, you can take a club to my noggin)
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