This week it Elisa is back with Mike and Kevin and it is Melissa’s turn to be ill. Let’s hope the crew all gets well soon and at the same time.
Next Kevin discusses the fact that for a third week in a row he bought another retro gaming console, this time a Gamecube. He promises that is it for a while unless he finds a nice N64.
Then we talk new phones, Mike has gone Android Moto G4 Amazon edition and likes it while Elisa has the new iPhone 7. We then discuss the pros and for us serious cons of iOS 10. Elisa is struggling with 3D touch and she is looking for help. Kevin and Elisa are both fed up with the new iOS mail app. We also discuss the anniversary of the iPod and if we are excited by the October 27th event.
We round out the show with discussing our picks. Elisa after her cruise and ingesting 20,000 calories a day decides to use $650 to cover personal workout sessions with a trainer. Mike doesn’t spoil his this week for a switch, he choose a cool portable work bench to help out in his day job. Kevin decides to up his home theater experience with a nice home theater in a box.
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Elisa can be found at or
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