Geekiest Show Ever 231 – Read Listen and Watch

This week it is Mike and Kevin. Elisa is recovering from traveling and Melissa is on the road. So we are left to our on vices. We start off wishing all those impacted by hurricane Matthew the best and encourage all to donate if you can to the recovery. We also discuss the weather and Elisa’s return to reality. Then we talk about the good news for a previous guest on the show JF Dubeau.

Then we discuss what we have been watching and Melissa will go nuts when she hears it. Also discuss things worth re-watching from the long past and the recent past. We then discuss the books we have read and/or listened to recently and in the past. Some of our favorites and we find out the secret to Mike’s sense of humor and more.

We round out the show with discussing our picks Mike wants to go big and he does with projector for a home theater. Kevin wants to play and wants to do it with style with a new console.

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Mike can be found at or
Elisa can be found at or
Melissa can be found at or
Kevin can be found at or

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