Free cell phones worthless?

Apple is claiming that 10 million people will buy iPhones because the free phones they get with most plans are worthless. I will admit that the free phone i got from my provider is somewhat ugly, difficult to use, and non-intuitive, it certainly isn’t worthless. It does after a fashion make the phone calls that I want it to and that’s about it. It has several other features available for additional monthly costs like email (no thanks), instant messaging (which totally sucks with a standard 2= ABC, 3=DEF keyboard), and some other add-ons that the salesman blathered on about while I tried to explain that what I wanted was a PHONE!

If I had to guess, other than teenagers text-messaging their friends in the mall that they’re in front of The GAP and they should meet them at the LIMITED, that’s what most people want out of a cell phone.

I was at the Macworld Expo Keynote in January and I oooohed and ahhhhhed with everyone else as Steve demoed the iPhone, but once the RDF (Reality Distortion Field) had wore off, I had to admit that while the iPhone was some neat tech, it wasn’t something I needed. Or even wanted. Give me the same form factor with a lot more storage than 4-8 gigs for a true video iPod and I’m there. The iPhone? Meh. Guess I’ll hold on to my worthless free cell phone for a while longer.

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