Fourteen Books on Mac OS X 10.2 “Jaguar” – Book Review


MacMice Rating: 5 = AMAZING book, one of a kind, sensational

MacMice Rating: 4 = OUTSTANDING book through and through

MacMice Rating: 3 = GOOD book, worth every penny

MacMice Rating: 2 = OKAY, but nothing special

MacMice Rating: 1 = NOPE, forget it, and read something else

Special Edition Using Mac OS X v10.2
by Brad Miser

Que Publishing
ISBN 0-7897-2904-0, 913 pages
$39.99 US, $62.99 CN, £28.99 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate lever users and above with some Mac OS experience; may be slightly intimidating to novice Macintoshers.

COMPLETENESS: Very thorough.

READABILITY: Factual, and slightly dry.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Loaded with tables and screen shots; somewhat small in size but crisp in quality.


VALUE FOR MONEY: Very good, due to depth of coverage that other books don’t provide.

BULK RATING: Use good posture when lifting.

WEEKS SAYS: Great reference book; you probably won’t read it in bed.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 5 out of 5

Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Second Edition (Covers Jaguar 10.2)
by David Pogue

Pogue Press / O’Reilly
ISBN 0-596-00450-8, 713 pages
$29.95 US, $46.95 CN

TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate to novice lever users; advanced readers may wish for more technical info.

COMPLETENESS: Very thorough, but does not include some of the geekier aspects of OS X.

READABILITY: Excellent — conveys technical detail without using intimidating jargon.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Loads of readable screen shots and sidebars.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: Very good, but not as much advanced-level detail as provided in Special Edition Using Mac OS X v10.2.

VALUE FOR MONEY: Outstanding.

BULK RATING: Suitable as a chock for small vehicles.

WEEKS SAYS: This is the “gold standard” for OS X books; it’s the only OS X book I would give to my mother.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 5 out of 5

Mac OS X Jaguar: The Complete Reference
by Jesse Feiler

Osborne / McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-222789-3, 901 pages
$39.99 US

TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate to novice level readers.

COMPLETENESS: Very complete — covers basics, plus detail on topics such as AppleScript Studio and basic programming.

READABILITY: Easiest on the eyes, due to large screen shots and font size. Author’s writing style is understandable, but not as conversational as Pogue’s (Mac OS X: The Missing Manual, Second Edition).

ILLUSTRATIONS: Highly informative, but they lack contrast and presence on the pages.



BULK RATING: Density approaches that of depleted uranium.

WEEKS SAYS: For readers who want something more detailed than Pogue’s book, but less geeky than Brad Miser’s Special Edition Using Mac OS X v10.2.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 4 out of 5

The Robin Williams Mac OS X Book, Jaguar Edition
by Robin Williams

Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-321-16966-2, 784 pages
$29.99 US, $46.99 CN, £22.99 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: Total beginners through inquisitive intermediates.

COMPLETENESS: Extremely thorough on Mac OS X basics.

READABILITY: Exceptional.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Plentiful, but lacking in presence and contrast on printed pages.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: All fundamentals, but little advanced detail.


BULK RATING: Large format size allows you to help hold down roof on house in wind storm.

WEEKS SAYS: Robin spends more time on Mac fundamentals than does any other author.

Weeks MacMice Rating: 4 out of 5
Nemo MacMice Rating: 5 out of 5

Mac OS X Pocket Guide
by Chuck Toporek

O’Reilly & Associates
ISBN 0-596-00458-3, 141 pages
$14.95 US, $23.95 CN

TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate level readers who understand Mac OS X but don’t use it enough to remember all the small details; very useful for UNIX and Windows switchers.

COMPLETENESS: Provides essential information, with no padding.

READABILITY: Surprisingly good.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Minimal and small.


VALUE FOR MONEY: Good but not great.

BULK RATING: Could blow away in moderate breeze.

WEEKS SAYS: Chuck’s UNIX sections are the best parts.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 4 out of 5

The Mac OS X v.10.2 Jaguar Book
by Mark R. Bell

Paraglyph Press
ISBN 1-932111-73-5, 550 pages
$34.99 US, $54.99 CN, £28.99 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: New Mac users who don’t need instruction on absolute beginner material.

COMPLETENESS: Adequate — covers the usual material, but does not distinguish itself.

READABILITY: Comfortable writing style.

ILLUSTRATIONS: A good number, but they suffer from lack of contrast and presence on the pages.


VALUE FOR MONEY: Better choices are out there.

BULK RATING: Could fit about six or seven in an average grocery bag.

WEEKS SAYS: Not one of my favorites.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 3 out of 5

Mac OS X All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies — Version 10.2 Jaguar
by Mark L. Chambers

Dummies Press
ISBN 0-7645-1796-1, 688 pages
$29.99 US, $44.95 CN, £22.50 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: Smart readers who learn best via itemized and bulletted tutorials.

COMPLETENESS: Yes, indeed.

READABILITY: Lively and conversational.

ILLUSTRATIONS: High quality.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: Over 100 pages on the new iApps.

VALUE FOR MONEY: Definitely, yes.

BULK RATING: Thick, but not overly heavy.

NEMO SAYS: Don’t confuse this title with Bob LeVitus’ Mac OS X for Dummies, 2nd Edition, which is geared toward total OS beginners. Mac OS X All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies goes deeper, including chapters on introductory UNIX, intermediate-level networking, and a whole lot more.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 4 out of 5

Start! The No Nonsense Guide to Mac OS X Jaguar
by Greg Simsic & Katy Bodenmiller

Osborne / McGraw-Hill
ISBN 0-07-222737-0, 189 pages
$16.99 US

TARGET AUDIENCE: Switchers and people who don’t need a full-sized book but require more than a pocket guide.

COMPLETENESS: Just the facts, ma’am.

READABILITY: Very good — this is an easy to read book; it’s not overburdened with fancy formatting and excessive quantity of sidebars.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Ample, and of good quality.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: Just enough to get you going.

VALUE FOR MONEY: High for switchers, moderate for others.

BULK RATING: Big enough to cover your head in a sudden downpour, but not so heavy you can’t hold it in one hand.

WEEKS SAYS: If you convince your friends to dump Windows and get a Mac, give them each a copy.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 3 out of 5

Sams Teach Yourself Mac OS X in 24 Hours, Second Edition — Covers Version 10.2 Jaguar
by John Ray and Robyn Ness

Sams Publishing
ISBN 0-672-32474-1, 438 pages
$24.99 US, $38.99 CN, £17.99 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: Mac newbies, but not those who call themselves “Dummies.”

COMPLETENESS: While it has relatively little discussion of navigating the Desktop, it has the right amount of detail on how to use OS X’s included apps.

READABILITY: This is one book that does not try to jam too much text and graphics into too little space.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Good number and quality.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: Tells you enough to get up and running.

VALUE FOR MONEY: Better than its Dummies competitor.

BULK RATING: Wouldn’t strain your undernourished grandmother.

WEEKS SAYS: While not as folksy as Mac OS X for Dummies, 2nd Edition, this title focuses more on using your computer than learning your way around it.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 3 out of 5

Mac OS X v.10.2 Jaguar Little Black Book: Concise Problem Solver
by Gene Steinberg

Paraglyph Press
ISBN 1-932111-72-7, 537 pages
$29.99 US, $46.99 CN, £20.99 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: People with an (OS X) problem and readers who want to get their computers setup and working correctly from the very beginning.

COMPLETENESS: Good — covers causes of and solutions for most OS X predicaments, plus solid solutions for OS-wide functionality.

READABILITY: Writing style is comfortable; page layout is somewhat cramped due to unusual size and format of this comprehensive book.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Small, but crisp and clear.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: Not pertinent; book is geared more for OS-level problems and software.

VALUE FOR MONEY: Very good, with caveat — this is not a general purpose OS X volume.

BULK RATING: Fits in glove box of 1983 Honda Civic.

WEEKS SAYS: I’d recommend this book to solve most beginner to intermediate level problems.

NEMO SAYS: Author Gene Steinberg reminds Book Bytes that “We have several big chapters covering initial installation and setup of OS X, plus chapters devoted to Finder, Dock, network management, etc. Mac OS X v.10.2 Jaguar Little Black Book is not a general OS X book in terms of applications, since we only cover the basics, although we have a long chapter on Apple’s Mail app.” Nemo agrees, observing that Chapter Three, “Mac OS X User Preferences,” is especially strong and worthwhile.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 4 out of 5

Mac OS X Disaster Relief, Updated Edition: Troubleshooting techniques to help fix it yourself
by Ted Landau

Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-321-16847-X, 684 pages
$34.99 US, $54.99 CN, £ 26.99 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate to very advanced users and troubleshooters.

COMPLETENESS: Best single collection of problem-solving tips we’ve seen so far.

READABILITY: Almost fun — doesn’t read like a reference manual.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Some, and of varying quality.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: For troubleshooting only.

VALUE FOR MONEY: Has no serious competition.

BULK RATING: Weighs less than the sweat you would exude trying to fix your Mac without this book.

WEEKS SAYS: I hope you’ll never need it, but you probably will.

NEMO SAYS: Mac OS X Disaster Relief contains details of how OS X works that go beyond troubleshooting information.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 5 out of 5

Teach Yourself Visually Mac OS X v.10.2 Jaguar
by maranGraphics

Wiley Publishing
ISBN 0-7645-1802-X, 307 pages in full color
$29.99 US, $39.99 CN, £22.50 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: Visual learners — from complete beginners to intermediates looking for a refresher.

COMPLETENESS: Each individual two-page lesson is loaded with information.

READABILITY: Not much pure text; mostly images and captions.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Outstanding — absolute best.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: Addresses the big three: iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto.


BULK RATING: Denser than it seems.

NEMO SAYS: This series continue to impress me with its quality and consistency.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 4 out of 5

Mac OS X Advanced 10.2 Visual QuickPro Guide
by Maria Langer

Peachpit Press
ISBN 0-321-16893-3, 344 pages
$24.99 US, $38.99 CN, £18.99 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: Intermediate level OS X users who aspire for more.

COMPLETENESS: Reasonably thorough.

READABILITY: Terse, which is standard for this format.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Many verge on being too small, but there are bazillions of them.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: Only System Preferences and included Mac OS Utilities; no coverage of any other apps.

VALUE FOR MONEY: Affordable.

BULK RATING: Wispy inside and out.

WEEKS SAYS: This book gives you the how, not the why.

NEMO SAYS: “Picks up where the Mac OS X 10.2: Visual QuickStart Guide leaves off,” according to author Maria Langer. Nemo uses Maria’s Visual QuickStart and Visual QuickPro books all the time. John relates well to the series’ task-based tutorials, which are strong on relevant screenshots.

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 3 out of 5

Mac OS X for Dummies, 2nd Edition — Covers Mac OS X version 10.2 Jaguar
by Bob LeVitus

Dummies Press
ISBN 0-7645-2564-6, 362 pages
$21.99 US, $32.99 CN, £15.50 UK

TARGET AUDIENCE: Dummies. (If you have to ask, this book is for you.)

COMPLETENESS: Good, except completely skimps on how to use included new Jaguar iApplications.

READABILITY: If you like the classic Dummies format, you’ll enjoy this one too.

ILLUSTRATIONS: Great cartoons and screen shots.

COVERAGE OF OS X APPLICATIONS: Inadequate. We feel a book for newbies should include more than one paragraph on Internet Explorer; why is it Apple Chess program has more coverage than the other apps?


BULK RATING: Light, yet filling.

WEEKS SAYS: This would be worth a higher rating if Bob had more information on the applications included with OS X.

NEMO SAYS: Bob’s editors at Dummies Press think the new iApps are not part of the OS — they’re applications, so he was only able to cover most of them briefly. Basic apps involved in “real” OS activity, such as System Preferences or Disk First Aid, were given more space in Mac OS X for Dummies, 2nd Edition. Book Bytes appreciates that Dummies titles have an upper page limit, which this book reaches. Bob would certainly devote another chapter or two on the iApps if his format allowed it. He tells, that “The focus of this book is exclusively on OS X, and my other active title, Dr. Mac: The OS X Files (which is soon to be released in its Jaguar edition) is mostly about productivity and working with all the new software.”

Nemo/Weeks MacMice Rating: 3 out of 5, on account of its ways of introducing newcomers to Jaguar.

John Nemerovski

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