Folder Icon Cleaner 2.0
Shareware: $5.00
Have you noticed that it takes much longer to open a window or file lately? If so,the cause could be all the custom Icons you have installed! Folder Icon Cleaner 1.0 from Fabrizro Oddone will not only delete your custom Icons from selected files, but deletes the invisible document your macintosh creates that holds the information about that Icon. This not only reclaims Hard Drive space, but greatly speeds up your Macintosh. To test Folder Icon Cleaner 1.0, I selected a Disk that I had installed a custom Icon on, one that had always taken twice as long to boot-up than most other disks. Folder Icon Cleaner is very fast, and when it has deleted your Icon, it will make a “Boom” noise, a neat feature. So Folder Icon Cleaner does its thing to the slow booting disk, and sure enough, the very next time I inserted the disk, the access time was much faster. So if you have many custom Icons you want to get rid of, try Folder Icon Cleaner 1.0. Well worth the $5.00 shareware fee.

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