1. Great news on Gmail finally getting IMAP support. That only puts them seven years behind .Mac, which has offered IMAP since January 2000, before it was even called .Mac! I don’t care if Gmail was always supposed to be web-based. That right there shows that Google never understood email in the first place. They launched the best web-based email system ever, which in and of itself proved that email ain’t meant to be done on the web. Bless all of you who love your gmail accounts (and that includes every single geek I know), but I’d slit my wrists if I had to rely on Gmail for anything important. And yeah, I’ve tried using it. Sorry, but you couldn’t pay me to switch over.
2. The postseason success of the Red Sox is masking the fact that their management completely whiffed on acquisitions this year, whether it be Gagne, Drew, etc. (J.D. Drew’s big at-bat last week doesn’t really erase a wasted season, does it?)
3. I’m looking forward to the release of MacOS X Leopard intently. But I’m not going to stand in line for it. I’ll have fun reading the reports of everyone who does, though.
4. I wish I could think of something profound to say about the wildfires here in SoCal, but all I can really say is that I hope everyone reading this is doing okay. For whatever reason the fires haven’t reached the city of Los Angeles, and aside from some very mild stinkiness in the air, you’d never know that most of the rest of this part of the State is/was on fire. Of all my SoCal friends and acquaintances, the only one one I know of who’s had to evacuate is Adam from MacCast, who is safe. No word yet on his house, but Adam and his family are in the clear. Here’s hoping.
5. Not really into Second Life myself, but congrats to all my friends who dig it, seeing as how it was featured prominently in CSI:NY tonight. Hope the change that the publicity brings to your virtual world ends up being a positive one.
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