FIRST LOOK: Z9i Bluetooth Headset

FIRST LOOK: Z9i Bluetooth Headset
Company: BlueAnt
Cost: $75 online (shop for special pricing)

“Welcome to California! Starting July 1, 2008, the instant you position a cell phone near your head while driving, you can receive a $20 fine that rises to $79 with fees. Second offense will cost you close to $150. Get a head, drivers — get a handsfree headset!”

That was the message greeting me everywhere during the first days of my summer vacation in California. BlueAnt conveniently provided a premium Z9i wireless Bluetooth mobile phone headset on July 3, and I haven’t been arrested, thanks to it.

I’m a hard core speakerphoniac. Given the opportunity, I always choose hands-free usage, with a house or mobile phone blasting into the room or car. My trusty pink Motorola RAZR phone has a good speaker and microphone, but this method of talking while driving does not strictly comply with the new California regulations.

Z9i from BlueAnt is an excellent candidate for your handsfree headset. I’ve use it daily, with much success. Callers have no idea the microphone is so far from my mouth, because I sound better than when holding the RAZR in conventional speaking position.

Pairing headset to phone is easy the first time, and effortless subsequently. Without physical obstructions, Z9i has a thirty foot clear signal range that extends to forty feet with some breakup from my end.

A comprehensive written manual is provided. It offers more settings and options for variable Z9i configurations than most users will need. You can download and study this manual from the company’s web site.

Bluetooth cell phone headsets drain phones’ batteries faster than does standard calling. Make sure your phone is fully charged, have an extra battery, or keep your car charger handy.

BlueAnt recommends Leopard OS X 10.5 over Tiger OS X 10.4 for pairing Z9i with your computer for Skype or other wireless activity. I was not able to accomplish pairing to my G4 PowerBook. Telephone tech support is available, so I’ll ask for help when I really need this feature.

When MyMac asked why the company doesn’t have a protective case or sleeve for the delicate headset, we were told: “We try to listen to our customers in terms of new product features and accessories. To date, we have not felt the consumer demand for any type of case; however, a new feature to the Z9i is a tie clip that is mounted right on the headset. When the headset is not in use, you can conveniently clip it to your tie or shirt for easy access.” Baloney! is MyMac’s response, because over months of daily use, any headset or earphones will become filthy, broken, or worse.
No actual ear placement photo is provided in the manual or on the product’s web site, so newbies won’t know if the clip is to be situated in front or behind the ear. Here is how it is worn, in a photo provided by the company.

Our first look and listen to BlueAnt’s Z9i wireless Bluetooth headset is a positive experience. We’ll continue to evaluate it during the summer, and update this introduction with a more detailed review as soon as possible, including tests on both models of iPhone.

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