So my kids have decided to write their own books. They have folded some paper in half, put a staple through it, and have commenced writing. They have all these details they want to include in their book, and are having a grand ‘˜ol time of it. Raechel even asked me ‘Can we redo it on the computer when we’re done, because real books are printed on a computer. And we have to make a cover, too.’ So it looks like I won’t be the only Author in the family. Not sure where they came up with this idea, but they are very gung-ho. And it’s better than playing Video Games or watching Sponge Bob Square Pants. Best of all, its QUITE activity.
In other news, my publisher wants more writing done on the iPod/iTunes book. One of the critiques I received was ‘It reads like a magazine article.’ So I have some rewriting to do. No surprise, really. I have been writing for and My Mac Magazine for almost a decade, so if my writing reads like a magazine article, you know why. I can write in a more personal format, of course, it’s just I don’t have a lot of practice as of late in it. Ah well’¦
So it is 10:00 PM, and the baby is finally asleep. So what is my neighbor doing? Lighting off a ton of firecrackers, which are illegal here in Michigan. (Not that the police ever DO anything about it. As I type this, I can hear a boom or pop every few seconds. But those are far enough away that Brooke, our one-year-old (on the 7th of this month) is still sleeping.
So after he lights off an entire brick of the firecrackers, I stepped outside and asked ‘Dude, what the fu%k?’ He gave me blank look, to which I said, ‘We kinda got a baby trying to sleep in here.’ He said ‘Oh, okay’ and went back indoors. So at least he stopped before I had to go over there and shove the remaining fireworks up his a$$. Well, if I could have beat wife Julie out the door, she was REALLY pissed. Thing is, the neighbor also has a baby! So he should have known better. And don’t give me the drunk ‘It’s the forth of July, dude!’ crap. Because, honestly, if he wakes up the little monster in our house, he is REALLY gonna see some fireworks. And I ain’t kidding.
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