Finally, my Macworld 2009 Photo Review, Part 3, Friday.

While everyone else was posting pics, I was working in the background with meetings, product tests, and taking lots of pictures. Many went into Tim’s posting, but here is my 5 day journey at Macworld. finishing with Friday and a few more pics of the floor…

OK, the last day, and I dragged myself to Moscone Convention Center for one more day.

Since I have already talked to death the issue with Alsoft, I will leave it for now. But after getting Tim over his problem, I headed onto the North Side hall to see hat I had missed over there.

But before I went to the North Hall, and on my way back from Alsoft’s booth, I noticed this image in the Apple booth:

Somehow, I could not help but see this as am image from the Apple 1984 TV ad. Here was a spokesperson, droning on and on about something, with slides and video changing in the background, with a group of on-lookers mesmerized staring at the screen. What this really needed was someone to run down the center isle and toss a hammer at the screen, and it would have been perfect.

OK, on to the North Hall…

Last day, into the North Hall this time.

I followed Guy down and into the North Hall side. Guy was off to do a video isle walk-through. I was off to look for cool stuff.

While walking down the isle, I was stopped by a person from Citirx. He was demoing a new iPhone/Touch application that connects to your documents on home PC (and soon, Mac I believe) and lets you edit all kinds of documents, including Word and Excel, with no additional software needed on the iPhone.

The small little speakers were actually called Tweakers, and seemed to be quite popular.

In the inexpensive but very cool category was the “In Your Face” product that has a Y-clamp on one end, and a spring loaded iPhone, Touch, or other smart phone holder on the end. In between was a flexible neck that lets you basically clip this to something (like a table or car visor), and then adjust the neck to put your iPhone right in your face. When playing games, this little gadget is amazing.

Do you remember Sharper Image? Well Richard Thalheimer, founder of Sharper Image has a new company called Richard Solo, and his first set of products were being shown at Macworld. These are small little external batteries that attach to your iPhone or Touch, and charge it up. The larger one also includes a laser beam and a LED white light, while the smaller one has just the white LED.

This was one of the most amazing things I saw at the show. That little pink box next to the iPhone, and about the same size is a small video projector. It contains three lasers in red, green, and blue, and can project an image up to 100 inches. You will need a dark room, but then again, look ay the size of this thing. And it runs on rechargeable batteries.

And finally, our friends at SPECK ready to go home at the end of the day Friday.

That is it for me, five long days, but some great times, with some great people at Macworld. Until next year?

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